Migration and Socio-political Innovation

2. Marzo 2018 - 01:00

International conference – University of Freiburg, Switzerland – 2 March 2018

Conceptualized and organized by Francesca Falk (University of Freiburg) & infoclio.ch. In cooperation with the PhD-Program «Migration and Postcoloniality in Switzerland». What role does migration play in establishing new ways of living and in the organization of societies? Socio-political innovation means the emergence, implementation and dissemination of new social and political practices in different areas of society. The conference aims to identify and analyze such societal transformations, which happen in relation to migration, and to explain their underlying conditions.

The conference will be simultaneously translated into English

9.00-9.05: Welcoming address – Francesca Falk & Enrico Natale
9.05-9.15: Introduction – Francesca Falk
Session 1
9.15-9.45: João de Athayde (Université Aix-Marseille): Les Agudàs, les esclaves du Brésil retournés au Bénin et au Togo: des innovations sociales à l’engagement dans la décolonisation
9.45-10.15: Anna Badino (Université Aix-Marseille): Mobilité géographique et changements familiaux. Regards sur la société italienne des années 1960 au prisme des migrations internes
Chair: Matthieu Gillabert
10.15-10.45 Coffee break
Session 2
10.45-11.15: Anna Di Giusto (Italian Society of Women Historians): Riace. The Laboratory of a New European Identity?
11.15-11.45: Toni Ricciardi (Université de Genève): Brücken und Vermengungen. Migration und die italienische Kultur und Gesellschaft
Chair: Sarah Baumann
11.45-13.30 Lunch break
Keynote lecture
13.30-14.15: Michael Goebel (Freie Universität Berlin): Migration as a Motor of Change: Colonial Subjects in Interwar France and Decolonization
Chair: Damir Skenderovic
Session 3
14.15-14.45: Nancy L. Rhoden & Laurel Clark Shire (University of Western Ontario): Migration and Toleration: Opportunities for Redefining Insiders and Outsiders in Late Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia
14.45-15.15: Israel Abayomi Saibu & Cecilia Titilayo Clement (Anchor University Lagos & Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria): The Dynamics of Migration and Societal Changes in African Cities: ‘Lagos from Farmstead and Fishing Settlement to a Mega City’
Chair: Pauline Milani
15.15-15.30: Coffee break
Session 4
15.30-16.00: Abduhalim Albakko (Koç University): The Syrian Community in Fatih and Mechanisms of Survival Employed by them
16.00-16.30: Kijan Malte Espahangiz (Universität/ETH Zürich): Frauen in der Emigration. Partizipative Aktionsforschung und sozio-politische Innovation in der Schweiz der 1970er Jahre
16.30-17.00: Sylvia Kafehsy (Universitätspital Zürich): The Politics of Trauma: Neue Lernformen im Umgang mit Gewaltbeziehungen
Chair: Marina Richter
17.00: End of the conference & Aperitif

Registration Attendance is free. Please register by sending a mail to

Location University of Freiburg, Switzerland (Avenue de l’Europe 20, 1700 Freiburg), room MIS 3016

Organizzato da
Francesca Falk (Université de Fribourg), infoclio.ch


University of Freiburg, Switzerland, room MIS 3016
Avenue de l’Europe 20


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CHF 0.00