Today, the underground realm is treated as a comprehensive resource and the new frontier. And it is a fact that underground realms are currently being techno-scientifically penetrated at an increasing pace and integrated into the dynamics of capitalist accumulation. This Living Book examines this “underground frontier” from a historical perspective and simultaneously sheds light on the promises presently tied up with the depths of the Earth.
The book "Women, Gender and Computing (from the 1940s to today)" analyses how the role of women in computing has evolved in the US and Europe. It studies how this field became more and more a masculine domain.
This anthology is structured in three parts. The first one focused on (In)Visibility through time, highlighting women's important role in the early years of computing. It enlightens the evolution of their role, first as human computers or punch cards operators, until the strong professionalization of the sector, and showcases their invisibility through time.
This Living Book has several objectives. First, it aims to show the generativity of research on an object, television, still in search of academic and institutional legitimacy. Secondly, it intends to promote and extend a historiographic renewal that has been observable for the last fifteen years: in this sense, our ambition is to lay the foundations for an expanded history of television at the intersection of media archaeology, intermedial perspectives, and a comprehensive analysis of vision and remote communication.
Literature is never isolated from the social world, and there has been no shortage of works written to develop, intensify or illustrate that statement. Literature originates in specific social practices and every literary text, regardless of its author’s intentions, echoes its surroundings, whether they be individuals, things or discourses. This anthology brings together the major open-access texts (Lenin, Lukács, Goldmann, Bourdieu, Angenot, Dubois, etc.) which have examined the relationships between the literary and the social.
The fools adorn Psalters, Books of Hours, and romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. They teem in the initials, miniatures, and illuminated margins of manuscripts. Specific visual features identify the fools as such and describe their nature. With extensive knowledge of ancient, biblical, patristic, and historical sources on madness, dance, and music, with dazing originality, illuminators invested great care in producing these figures of the mundus inversus and in the transmission of the scholar model they personified.
Who « invented » the Internet? Who holds the keys to the Internet? What sources, what actors should be given prominence in a history of the Internet and the Web able to fully take into account its origins, trajectories, turns, evolutions, continuities?
The emergence of Arpanet in the 1960s, then, ten years later, of the Internet, is the product of a long-term innovation process that is yet to find its closure today, a process marked by the intertwining of socio-technical paths and heterogeneous networks of actors.
Dalla stampa quotidiana ai repertori iconografici, dalle fonti storiche ai manoscritti e gli audiovisivi, una guida per trovare nuove risorse per la ricerca e lo studio.
Tenu dans le cadre du festival Histoire et Cité du 14 au 16 mai 2015, l'atelier Booksprint - Création d'une anthologie numérique sur le pacisifme a été organisé par, la Faculté des lettres de l’Université de Genève et la Bibliothèque numérique romande. Il a été suivi par une quinzaine de participants. Les participants de l’atelier ont été amenés à produire une anthologie numérique de textes sur le thème de la paix et du pacifisme.
Das digitale Zeitalter verleiht der Überwachung und der Sammlung von Daten neue Brisanz. hat im November 2014 die Tagung «Datenschutz und Geschichtswissenschaften» organisiert, um die neuen und alten Herausforderungen im Umgang mit den personenbezogenen Daten zu diskutieren. Die Texte zur Tagung beleuchten die Geschichte und die neusten Entwicklungen des Datenschutzes.