Swiss Bibliographies

The current Swiss bibliographies at a glance - national, cantonal, regional

All bibliographies reported to the network « Schweizer Bibliographien / Bibliographies suisses » are listed. Contact information can be found in the respective bibliographies.

Swiss bibliographies

Bibliography on Swiss History (BSH)
The Swiss Book

Cantonal bibliographies

Aargau Bibliography
Appenzeller Bibliografie
Basel Bibliography
Bibliography of Bernese History
Fribourg Bibliography
Glarus Bibliography
Bibliography of the Grisons
Jura Bibliography
Neuchâtel Bibliography
Schaffhausen History Bibliography
Schwyz Bibliography
Solothurn Bibliography
St. Gallen Bibliography
Ticino Bibliography
Thurgau Bibliography
Bibliography of Uri
Valais Bibliography
Zug Bibliography
Zurich Bibliography

Regional bibliographies

Bodensee Bibliography
Winterthur Bibliography

Special bibliographies

Bulletin of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (IFS / ITMS / IRMS)
Bibliography on the History of Swiss Foreign Politics
Gottfried Keller Bibliography
Survey of Swiss and Lichtenstein Numismatics
Bibliografie der Editions- und Forschungsplattform hallerNet

Special bibliographies

Bibliography on Swiss History (BSH)

Since 1913, the Bibliography on Swiss History references publications related to the history of Switzerland. The bibliographical references can be consulted in the online database BSH or in PDF-formatted documents. Learn more…
Bibliografien der Schweiz

The Swiss Book

This bibliography was published between 1901 and 1942 as Bibliographical Bulletin of the Swiss National Library (Bibliographisches Bulletin der Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek) and appears since 1943 as The Swiss Book (Das Schweizer Buch). It references biweekly the current swiss media production. Since 2007 it is available online in a dynamic version and PDF formats. Learn more…
Bibliografien der Schweiz

Special bibliographies

Aargau Bibliography

The Aargauer Bibliography references publications in relation to the canton Aargau since 1972 (topic, author, date of publication). Until 2004 the bibliography appeared in the journal Argovia.
Since 2005 the Aargauer Bibliography is accessible online.The coverage includes monographs, periodicals, and articles (of minimum five pages) from journals, collective publications, and «non-books».

Appenzeller Bibliografie

The Appenzell Bibliography aggregates the bibliographies of the cantons Appenzell Ausserrhoden and Appenzell Innerrhoden. It references monographs, audiovisual documents, articles from collective works, journals, and newspapers, as well as radio and television excerpts. The bibliography is integrated in the catalogs of the two cantons and searchable online using abbreviation + year (AR = arb2020; AI = aib2020 etc.).


Basel Bibliography

The Basel Bibliography is the official bibliography of the canton Basel City. Since 1919 it references monographs and articles from periodicals related to Basel City and Basel region. It also considers individuals whose life and work are closely related to Basel. Learn more…


Bibliography of Bernese History

The Bibliography of Bernese History references since 1975 books and journal articles to the history, society, and culture of canton Berne and its localities. Publications posterior to 1995 are referenced in the library catalog.

Glarus Bibliography

The Glarus Bibliography ] was published from 1996 to 2013 and references publications concerning the canton Glarus and its surroundings, or have been written or published by individuals and publishing enterprises from Glarus. All media types are covered. The bibliography appeared until 2011 in the Annals of the Historical Society of Canton Glarus (Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Glarus), and for the period 1999–2013 it is accessible in PDF-format online. Learn more…

Bibliography of the Grisons

The Bibliography of the Grisons references foremostly publications thematically related to the canton Grisons, as well as to the former subject territories of Valtellina and Valchiavenna, as far as they relate to the period of the Grisonic rule (1512–1797). Learn more…

Jura Bibliography

The Jura Bibliography references since 1928 publications related to the republic and canton Jura, Bernese Jura, the former archbishopry of Basel, as well as the publications of Jurassic publishers and authors. The references can be consulted online in the RERO catalog, and in PDF-formatted files. Learn more...


Neuchâtel Bibliography

The Neuchâtel Bibliography references all documents related to the canton Neuchâtel, as well as the publications of writers and artists from Neuchâtel. Four printed editions cover the period from origins to 2006; for later dates the bibliography is accessible online and PDF formats. Learn more...

Schaffhausen History Bibliography

The Schaffhausen Bibliography references printed information relative to localities of canton Schaffhausen or belonged in the past to its dependencies. Until 2013 it was published in the Schaffhausen Papers for Local History (Schaffhauser Beiträgen zur (vaterländischen) Geschichte); since 2018 it is produced by the State Library of Schaffhausen (with retroactive data processing until 1986).

Schwyz Bibliography

Since 1964, the Schwyz Bibliography references selected publications relating to Canton Schwyz and/or by authors from Schwyz. It has been printed annually since 1967 in the journal «Mitteilungen des Historischen Vereins des Kantons Schwyz» as well as 1967-2019 in the journal «Der Geschichtsfreund» (in each case with a three-year interval from the year under review). The corresponding digitised journals are accessible online as PDF files, except for the five volumes up to the last printing. As for the rest, reference is made to the database of the Cantonal Library of Schwyz.

Solothurn Bibliography

The new Solothurn Bibliography lists monographs, articles from journals and anthologies as well as grey literature and non-books on the history and local history of the Canton of Solothurn from the year of publication 1998. Older publications are added on an ongoing basis.
From 1927 to 2010 it was published under the title "Bibliographie der Solothurner Geschichtsliteratur" in the "Jahrbuch für solothurnische Geschichte".


Ticino Bibliography

The Ticino Bibliography is an online research instrument, selective rather than exhaustive, which allows to identify bibliographical references related to the canton Ticino. The bibliography is organized hierarchically, according to the topics used by the cantonal, specialized, and associated libraries of the Ticinese library system (Sbt).


Thurgau Bibliography

The Thurgau Bibliography references since 1883 publications whose content refers to the Canton of Thurgau. Since 2019 it also references publications by Thurgau authors and publishing productions from the Canton of Thurgau. Retroactive additions are made whenever possible. Until 1994, the bibliography was published in printed form in the Thurgauer Beiträgen zur (vaterländischen) Geschichte. Since then all Thurgoviana can be searched online. Read more…

Bibliography of Uri

A selection of the Bibliography of Uri appeared as part of the Bibliography of Central Switzerland in the journal «Der Geschichtsfreund» until the reporting year 2016. In addition to the physical collection of Uri media it holds, the catalogue of the Cantonal Library of Uri lists a large number of bibliographic records.


Valais Bibliography

The Valais Bibliography references monographs and articles related to the canton Valais, as well as works of authors from Valais. The bibliography appears since 1969 and is included in the catalog of the Valais Media Center; since 2000 it is published in PDF format. Learn more…

Zurich Bibliography

The Zurich Bibliography appears since 1878 and references all types of publications related to the history, politics, economy, and culture of the city and canton Zurich. Since 2012 online. The bibliography is an important research instrument for research on local history and culture.

Special bibliographies

Bodensee Bibliography

The Bodensee Bibliography references publications on topics, locations, and individuals related to the Bodensee area, covering all subject matters, from literature and arts, to limnology. The focus is on regional history. In geographical terms it covers the areas of cantons Thurgau, Schaffhausen, Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Appenzell Innerrhoden, Sankt Gallen (up to Sargans, Säntis, Wil), parts of the German districts Constance, Sigmaringen, Bodensee, Ravensburg, and Lindau, as well as the Austrian federal State Vorarlberg, and the Principality of Liechtenstein.Learn more…

Winterthur Bibliography

The Winterthur Bibliography is a repertory of monographs, articles, and dissertations on the history of Winterthur and surroundings. The bibliography was first published in 1921 and issued between 1931 and 1991 every ten years as a bulletin of the city library of Winterthur; since 1991 online.

Special bibliographies

Bulletin of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds (IFS / ITMS / IRMS)

In the Bulletin of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds, which appears yearly since 1994, are referenced the hoards from Switzerland and the Principality of Lichtenstein, as well as the literature to hoards from the previous year. The Bulletin appears in print and as PDF files at Learn more…

Bibliography on the History of Swiss Foreign Politics

The bibliography of the history of Swiss foreign affairs offers a comprehensive overview of scientific publications (monographs, articles, dissertations), as well as important non-scientific publications, related to the diplomatic relations of Switzerland since 1848 until the present. Learn more…

Gottfried Keller Bibliography

The work of the writer Gottfried Keller and the related research literature is referenced in the Gottfried Keller Bibliography, published since 1981 and accessible online since 2010. It covers a wide range of media publications by and about Gottfried Keller, such as editions of his work in various languages, international secondary literature, dissertations, newspaper articles, audio books, movies, and more. Learn more…

Survey of Swiss and Lichtenstein Numismatics

The Survey references publications to Swiss and Lichtenstein numismatics and monetary history. As such it complements the Bulletin of the Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds, which focuses on hoards. The Survey appeared between 1979 and 2005 in the now discontinued Bibliography of Swiss Arts (Bibliographie zur Schweizer Kunst); since, it is published in the Swiss Coin Bulletin (Schweizer Münzblätter) and found online.

Bibliografie der Editions- und Forschungsplattform hallerNet

Die Bibliografie der Editions- und Forschungsplattform hallerNet zur schweizerischen und europäischen Aufklärung, zur «République des Lettres» und zur Wissensgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts verzeichnet rund 40'000 zeitgenössische Werke sowie aktuelle Forschungsliteratur zu diesen Themen. Mit der Bibliographia Halleriana bietet hallerNet zudem den umfassendsten Katalog an Werken von und über Albrecht von Haller. Durch die Suchfunktionen gelangt man einfach zu den auf der Plattform edierten Dokumenten und erfassten Personendaten, in denen die entsprechenden Werke referenziert sind.