Event: «Chatting with the Bergier Report. An experiment with ChatGPT»

infoclio.ch is offering a ChatGPT dialogue experience open to the public as part of its annual conference «Zweiter Weltkrieg. Erinnerung im Wandel».

The experiment consists in dialoguing with a GPT uploaded with the volumes of the Independent Commission of Experts Switzerland - Second World War (Bergier Commission), in the presence of experts in the history of Switzerland and in the workings of language models such as ChatGPT.

The workshop, which is open to anyone interested, will take place at Zoom on 29 October from 10am to 12pm

The programme is online, and online registration is now open.


Picture credits

Prompt: «Produit une image qui représente le fonctionnement d'un chatbot spécialisé dans l'histoire de la Suisse pendant le Deuxième guerre mondiale», ChatGPT4, 26.09.2024, <https://chatgpt.com/share/66f5d453-73a0-8007-961e-bdd91b12016f>.