DATASETS: Database derived from the report “Temps, espaces et histoires; Monuments et héritage raciste et colonial dans l’espace public genevois : état des lieux historique” by Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou et Davide Rodogno
EXPLICATION: The idea is to create an application to visualize the "Time, Space, History" report in map form in order to make its content accessible to a wider audience. The aim of this project is to enable the residents of Geneva to re-consider the city's urban space from the perspective of its colonial and racist heritage. This application is an essential tool for making the data in the report accessible to people who are unfamiliar with this theme in urban space.
The challenge is to make the data attractive and arouse the public's curiosity and desire to consult it. Visuals, illustrations and user-friendliness are central to the success of this application.
Each monument or street mentioned in the report would be represented by a dot on the map of Geneva. It would then be possible to zoom in on the map to discover a particular area. When you click on a monument or street name, a historical note opens with the text of the report and historical information.
In the report, the monuments are classified according to different keywords. It would be possible to reflect these categories using a colour code on the map, or to allow monuments to be 'sorted' by keyword.
We'd like to add images of the different locations to the historical notices. We could perhaps use Wikipedia/Wikimedia images for that.
This map will be shown on a touch station in the central area of the next temporary exhibition at MEG "Remembering. Geneva in the colonial world" (03.05.2024-01.05.2025). The map would also be accessible online on the digital platform (the digital version of the physical exhibition) and on the City of Geneva project website "Monuments and racist heritage in public areas" (
INSPIRATION: The website “bern-kolonial”:
SOURCES: Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou et Davide Rodogno Temps, espaces et histoires Monuments et héritage raciste et colonial dans l’espace public genevois : état des lieux historique
CONTACT: Marina Berazategui (MEG)
Click here to access the report in pdf format
Click here to access the report in word format
Click here to access the excel database extracted from the report
Monuments et héritage raciste dans l’espace public :