On January 27th and 28th 2015 the first Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon took place at the Swiss National Library.
More than 100 programmers, GLAM representatives and scholars worked together over the course of two days in an attempt to make the most of a selection of open cultural datasets provided by Museums, Libraries and Archives in Switzerland for this particular event. More than twenty projects were carried out during the two-day Hackathon. This post displays the results of this event.
Find short descriptions of individual projects here.
Photos on Wikimedia Commons
Photos on Picasa.
Press Review:
La Liberté (23.06.15) - Un mer de données culturelles (Paywall)
Le Temps (26.02.15) - Un safari culturel dans la jungle des données
Le Nouvelliste (28.02.15) - La culture, façon Hackers (Paywall)
Berner Zeitung (28.02.15) - Freigeister hacken kulturelle Daten
SRF2 Kultur Kompakt (02.03.2015) - Kultur-Hackathon: Schweizer Kulturerbe, neu programmiert
Blog review:
Digital Brainstroming (28.02.15) - Kultur Hackathon in der Schweizer Landesbibliothek (Podcast)
Le présente d'hier et de demain (01/03/15) - Swiss Open Cultural Hackathon (27-28 février, Bibliothèque nationale suisse, Berne)
OpenGLAM.ch (04.03.15) - A Joyful Gathering to Foster the Re-Use of Open Cultural Data
Swisscom ICT Trends (04.03.15) - Schweizer Kultur-Hackathon – Zugänge zum Datenbestand von Museen, Archiven und Bibliotheken
Wikimedia outreach (02/15) - First Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon
Opendata.ch (05/03/15) - Données culturelles ouvertes et médiation technologique pour un accès ludique au patrimoine en ligne