The aim of Open Research Data (ORD) is to make scientific data available in a transparent way as well as for reproducibility and reuse purposes. Switzerland published its ORD Strategy in 2021, and an Action Plan in 2022. With the experience gained so far, it is time to reflect on these developments: How well is ORD accepted, implemented and applied? What intended benefits could have been realised so far? Are risks and challenges well accounted for?
Please register until 20 May 2024.
15h00 Welcome
Philippe Moreillon, President of the Swiss Academy of Sciences
15:05 Why do we need ORD?
Evie Vergauwe, Chair of the ORD Prize Jury, Steering board member of the Swiss Reproducibility Network, University of Geneva
15:25 Artificial Intelligence and ORD: opportunities and challenges
Christophe Dessimoz, Executive Director of Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Head of Elixir Switzerland
15:45 The Lotus initiative (ORD Prize 2023)
Adriano Rutz, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich
15:55 Panel
- Gilles Dubochet, Head of Open Science at EPFL, Chair of the ORD Coordination Group
- Jérôme Kasparian, Associate Professor, Nonlinearity and Climate Group, University of Geneva
- Evie Vergauwe (speaker)
- Christophe Dessimoz (speaker)
16:55 Conclusions
Barbara König, Vice-President of the Swiss Academy of Sciences
17:00 Apéro
Moderation: Karin Frei, Commonground Communications
Karin Frei is a Mediator and Moderator. She has worked for Swiss National Radio and Television SRF for almost 30 years as a reporter, presenter and as head and anchorwoman of the current affairs show «The Club». She has a masters degree in European Ethnology, Social- and Economic History as well as International Law and is a Certified Global Negotiator and Mediator.