Towards an Expanded History of Television

Bookcover Towards an Expanded History of Television

This Living Book has several objectives. First, it aims to show the generativity of research on an object, television, still in search of academic and institutional legitimacy. Secondly, it intends to promote and extend a historiographic renewal that has been observable for the last fifteen years: in this sense, our ambition is to lay the foundations for an expanded history of television at the intersection of media archaeology, intermedial perspectives, and a comprehensive analysis of vision and remote communication.

This approach is the fruit of "Beyond Public Broadcasting. Towards an Expanded History of Television in Switzerland” (Au-delà du service public. Pour une histoire élargie de la télévision en Suisse). Financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation and co-directed by the two authors, François Vallotton and Anne-Katrin Weber of the University of Lausanne, the project has nourished three doctoral theses and a website, which notably won the 2020 Memoriav Prize. The present anthology also allows us to return to the historiographic and theoretical context that served as a backdrop for our communal reflection; a long introductory article offers a critical assessment of television studies in Switzerland. As for the anthology proper, it is intended to be a vade mecum that we hope will be valuable for anyone working or teaching in the field of media history.

Vallotton, François; Weber, Ann-Katrin: Towards an Expanded History of Television, 2021 (Living Books About History 9). Online: <>.