Reports Digital Humanities 2014 Lausanne


Anthony Chenevard: Humanités digitales : entre enjeux démocratiques, accès aux ressources, représentations et approche critique.
9 July 2014

Peter Dängeli: Handling the Implicit – Three Perspectives on Markup.
9 July 2014

Floraine Stauffer: Regards neufs et inédits sur les bases de données.
10 July 2014

Floraine Stauffer: Des projets en ébullition.
10 July 2014

Tobias Hodel: Understanding Geographies.
10 July 2014

Sebastien Dupont: Computational literary studies.
10 July 2014

Sebastien Dupont: A digital perspective on ancient and fictional worlds.
10 July 2014

Tobias Hodel: News and recent developments in image analysis: theory and practice.
11 July 2014


Interviews with the Local Organizers Frédéric Kaplan - Director of the Digital Humanities Lab @ EPFL and Claire Clivaz, Professor of New Testament, University of Lausanne

Interview with Dominique Vinck, professeur de sociologie et directeur du LADHUl, université de Lausanne

Interview with Michael Sperberg-McQueen, recorded in Lausanne, 08-07-2014. Sperberg-McQueen talks about the origins of the XML markup language and the future of electronic publication.
Workshop at DH2014: Introduction to electronic books and EPub 3.0
Paper at DH2014: Transcriptional implicature: a contribution to markup semantics
Wikipedia article about Michael Sperberg-McQueen

First reactions to Bruno Latour's keynote, recorded in Lausanne, 08-07-2014.
Lecture at DH2014: Opening Plenary Lecture

Interview with Marylin Deegan, Professor of Digital Humanities and Honorary Research Fellow, King's College London and Guyda Armstrong, Senior Lecturer in Italian, University of Manchester. Recorded in Lausanne, 09-07-2014.
Paper at DH2014: Digital Cultural Heritage and the Healing of a Nation: Digital Sudan

Interview with Uta Hinrichs, Research Fellow, School of Computer Science
University of St Andrews, Scotland. Recorded in Lausanne, 09-07-2014.
Paper at DH2014: Trading Consequences: A Case Study of Combining Text Mining & Visualisation to Facilitate Document Exploration

Interview with John Joseph Montague, Graduate Student at the University of Alberta. Recorded in Lausanne, 09-07-2014.
Paper at DH2014: Seeing the Trees & Understanding the Forest

Interview with Aris Xanthos, Maître d'enseignement et de recherche en informatique pour les sciences humaines, Université de Lausanne. Recorded in Lausanne, 09-07-2014.

Humanistica - Association francophone des humanités digitales. Discussion with Martin Grandjean, Aurélien Berra and Sébastien Poublanc, members of the committee of Humanistica, Francophone Association of the Digital Humanities, founded at Lausanne on the 8 July 2014. Recorded in Lausanne 10-07-2014.
Site web of Humanitica:

Interview with Glenn Roe, Lecturer in Digital Humanities at the Australian National University of Canberra. Recorded in Lausanne 10-07-2014.
Paper at DH2014: Discourses and Disciplines in the Enlightenment: Topic Modeling the French Encyclopédie

Interview with Frédéric Kaplan, director of the EPFL Digital Humanities Lab. Recorded in Lausanne 10-07-2014.

Interview with Eric Rochester, University of Virginia Library, United States of America. Recorded in Lausanne 10-07-2014.
Poster at DH2014: Speaking in Code

Interview with Alicia Peaker, PhD candidate in English Literature at Northeastern University in Boston. Recorded in Lausanne 10-07-2014.
Poster at DH2014: Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive

Interview with Ray Siemens, Professor for Digital Humanities and English Literature at Victoria University (CA) and head of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute. Recorded in Lausanne 11-07-2014.
Lecture at DH2014: Zampolli Award Lecture


Jan Baumann: Begegnungen, Gespräche und Geschichten

Tobias Hodel: Nachlese "Digital Humanities 2014" in Lausanne

Université de Lausanne, EPFL