Henry-E.-Sigerist-Prize for the promotion of early career scholars in the history of medicine and science

The Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Science invites applications for the

Henry-E.-Sigerist-Prize for the promotion of early career scholars in the history of medicine and science.

The prize was founded in 1967 by Mr. and Mrs. Guggenheim-Schnurr from Basel in order to award outstanding young scholars in the field of history of medicine and science. It is conferred by a jury on behalf of the Swiss Society of the History of Medicine and Sciences.

Applicants should submit studies completed within the last two years, i.e.

  • dissertations
  • printed books
  • other significant scientific works.

The prize amounts to CHF 2000.-

Deadline for application: 30 April 2024

Find all the informations: Henry-E.-Sigerist-Prize