Day 1
09:30-10:00 Introduction
10:00-12.30, Panel I. Rethinking Early Republican Feminism in Turkey
Akile Zorlu Durukan (METU North Cyprus), Gökten Doğangün (METU, Ankara):
The Intellectual Lenses of Nezihe Muhiddin and Şükûfe Nihal: Key Concepts in Inventing and Discussing the Turkish Republican Woman
Gülşah Şenkol (Koç University, Istanbul):
Diverging Genealogies and Conflicting Trajectories of Feminism in Egypt and Turkey, 1923–1935
Sevil Çakır Kılınçoğlu (Georg-August University Göttingen): Reconceptualizing Women’s Agency in Iran and Turkey at the Turn of the 20th Century
Chair: Serena Tolino (University of Bern) 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-16:45, Panel II. Rights, Representation, and Modernity in the Postwar Decades
Ezgi Sarıtaş (Ankara University), Yelda Şahin Akıllı (Ankara University):
The Women’s Rights Movement of Mid-Twentieth Century Turkey
Umut Azak (Istanbul Okan University):
Framing Women's Activism in Turkey in between the ‘Waves’: The Case of a Campaign for the ‘Struggle Against Çarşaf’, 1960
Sercan Çınar (Central European University Vienna):
A Transnational History of Left Feminism in Turkey, 1974–1985
Chair: Selin Çağatay (Central European University Vienna) 18:30 Conference Dinner
Day 2
09:30-11:00, Panel III. Conceptual and Methodological Discussions on Women’s History
Gül Şen (University of Heidelberg):
Gender Agency: Civil Society as a Space of Female Political Participation
Elif Ekin Akşit (Ankara University):
Women's History at the Crossroads: Quantification of Qualitative Data and Literature
Chair: Elife Biçer-Deveci (ETH Zurich)
11:30-13:00, Panel IV. New Perspectives on Current Debates: Activism, Violence, Religion
Aslı Karaca (Al-Quds University, East Jerusalem):
Dissent, Divisions, and Disruptive Repertoires of Contention within Women’s Islamic Movements in Turkey, 2008–2016
Merve Akyel (Istanbul Bilgi University):
Caring Kind: Exploring Gender-based Violence through Artworks by Women in Turkey from the 1980s Onwards
Chair: Ali Sonay (University of Bern)
14:00-14:30 Closing Discussion
Organised by
Elife Biçer-Deveci (ETH Zurich), Selin Çağatay (CEU Vienna), Christoph Ramm (University of Bern), Serena Tolino (University of Bern), Ali Sonay (University of Bern)
ETH Zürich
Leonhardstrasse 21
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