Swiss Research Data Day 2024: The Challenges of Economical and Ecological Research Data Archiving

9. août 2024
Appel à communication

OLOS Association in partnership with the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG-GE Switzerland) and the University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons is pleased to announce the call for papers for the fourth edition of the Swiss Research Data Day (SRDD2024).

This event is a one-day conference, held in presence at The University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, in Chur, Switzerland.

For this fourth edition, the conference will focus on economical and ecological challenges of archiving research data. SRDD2024 will encourage discussions on innovative low-cost data storage solutions, ecological requirements in data management and FAIRness (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) and CAREness (collective benefit, authority to control, responsibility, ethics) assessments.

Discussions will also be raised on the contributions and challenges of using artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technologies for the processing, visualization, and valorisation of data that can be used to improve conservation, research, dissemination, and accessibility, while also facilitating the economical and ecological research data management.

Other topics will include Swiss and international Open Research data initiatives, policies and strategies for Open Research data management, Emergent storage technologies and discussions on the role, competences and challenges of the Data Stewardship in the light of economical and ecological research data archiving.

This event will be an opportunity to exchange ideas on the new developments.



Proposals are expected, for example, on the following topics:

1)     Low-cost data storage solutions

2)     Ecological requirements in data management

3)     FAIRness and CAREness assessment

4)     Artificial Intelligence in data management

5)     Swiss and international Open Research data initiatives

6)     Policies and strategies for Open Research data management

7)     Emergent storage technologies

8)     Data Stewardship competence and challenges



1)     Increase awareness about the challenges and importance of integrating economical and ecological considerations into research data archiving practices.

2)     Explore sustainable approaches to research data archiving that minimize environmental impact while remaining economically feasible. This includes discussions on estimation methods of the quality of the stored data, energy-efficient storage systems, etc…

3)     Provide a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices in economical and ecological archiving across different disciplines and sectors.

4)     Foster collaboration and partnerships among stakeholders to develop interdisciplinary solutions to the challenges of economical and ecological archiving by providing networking opportunities, collaborative workshops, and project development sessions.

5)     Inspire attendees to take concrete actions to integrate economical and ecological considerations into their own archiving practices and institutional policies. This may include the development of action plans, policy recommendations, or the implementation of pilot projects aimed at promoting sustainable archiving practices.

By achieving these goals, the conference aims to contribute to a culture of openness, transparency, and collaboration in research, ultimately leading to greater scientific impact and societal benefit.



  • August 9th, 2024: Deadline for submission of abstracts (250 words + titles + 5 keywords)
  • September 2nd, 2024: Notification date regarding the proposal (accepted, revision required, or rejected)
  • September 20th, 2024: Definitive program online
  • October 2nd, 2024: Registration closes
  • October 9th, 2024: SRDD Conference in Chur
  • December 16th, 2024: Final date for the submission of the accepted papers
  • February 25th, 2025: Final author notification



The language of the presentation is English.



Organizing Committee


Scientific Committee

  • Pierre-Yves BURGI, UNIGE
  • Alain DUBOIS, AEV
  • Alberto PACE, CERN
  • Matthias TOEWE, ETHZ
Organisé par
OLOS Association / Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG-GE Switzerland) / University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Langues de l'évènement

Informations supplémentaires sur l'événement

Coûts de participation

CHF 0.00