Un/doing Race. Racialisation en Suisse / Rassifizierung in der Schweiz is an edited book available both in French and German featuring thirteen studies on the meaning of race, racialization and racism in Switzerland. It sheds light on this topic from a number of disciplinary perspectives, including sociology, history, political science and law. Case studies range from the advent of scientific racism in the 19th century to contemporary events.
In her review, Aline Helg (Geneva) captures the salient points of the various chapters and finds that « Un/Doing Race offers a collection of innovative and exciting articles that anyone interested in understanding contemporary Swiss society should read as it brings essential elements to the current public debate ».
The review is freely accessible on infoclio.ch and HSozKult. The book can be dowloaded in open access, both in French and German.
Aline Helg: Rezension zu: Dos Santos Pinto, Jovita; Ohene-Nyako, Pamela; Pétrémont, Mélanie-Evely; Lavanchy, Anne; Lüthi, Barbara; Purtschert, Patricia; Skenderovic, Damir (Hrsg.): Un/doing Race. Rassifizierung in der Schweiz. Zürich 2022, in: infoclio.ch, 20.09.2023, <https://www.infoclio.ch/de/rez?rid=129132>.