The Power of Women. A Challenge for Democracy

10. décembre 2021 - 13:40 - 15:40
This workshop sheds light on intellectual history and its banal way of thinking: in doubting women, we are on safe ground, on the side of Aristotle, both in ancient Greece and in the premodern world that the Aristotelian tradition has intellectually shaped. This tradition of interconnected knowledge has formed a true paradigm. Natural Law – namely the principle that Nature teaches us norms and precepts, first of all in the domain of sexuality, gender and marriage –, is its touchstone. But the turning point in the cultural history of gender is the Enlightenment. It was the attribution to all human beings of a truly “common sense”, susceptible of flourishing through education, that created the conditions of possibility for a paradigm shift: “The rights of human beings result solely from the fact that they are sentient beings, susceptible of acquiring moral ideas, and of reasoning on these ideas. Thus, women having these same qualities, have necessarily equal rights“ (Nicolas de Condorcet). “The power of women” is organized by Prof. Dr. Giulia Sissa, UCLA, De Sanctis Professor at ETHZ and Senior Fellow, Collegium Helveticum. The workshop will take place at the Collegium Helveticum – with invited guests. Interested in participating? Join via Zoom: Zoom-Link Meeting-ID: 654 6470 2515 Passwort: 040702
Picture: Gustave-Claude-Etienne Courtois (1852–1923), Hercules at the Feet of Omphale (1912), oil on canvas, dimensions not known, Hôtel de Ville de Baulmes, Switzerland. Image by Don de Maurice Dériaz, via Wikimedia Commons
Organisé par
Organized by Prof. Dr. Giulia Sissa UCLA, De Sanctis Professor at ETHZ and Senior Fellow

Lieu de l'événement

Collegium Helveticum / Zoom
Schmelzbergstrasse 25

Informations supplémentaires sur l'événement

Coûts de participation

CHF 0.00
