Thursday, 7 December 2023
Conference venue: UZH, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, Zürich, room KOL-G-217
10h-10h15 : bienvenue et présentation du workshop
The Swiss in the Mediterranean
Chair : Riccardo E. Rossi (UZH)
10h15-11h00: Pierre-Niccolò Sofia (Université Côte d’Azur)
Notes on ‘Swiss’ maritime trade between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the 18th century. The case of the Frisoni & Juvalta of Lisbon.
11h-11h45: Gilbert Buti (Aix-Marseille Université)
Jacques Rabaud, parfait négociant marseillais dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle.
Book presentations (with the autors)
Chair : Aderivaldo Ramos de Santana (UZH)
13h30-14h20: Raul Luis Wildbolz Gallego (Université de Genève) discusses
Alida Clemente, Un console mercante nella Napoli borbonica (1734-1755). Reti, nazioni e istituzioni nei giochi dello scambio (2022).
14h20-15h10: Marco Schnyder (Université de Fribourg) discusses
Francesca Ferrando, Fausto Fioriti and Andrea Zappia (dir.), Gli Stranieri della Repubblica. Controllo, gestione e convivenza a Genova in età moderna (2023).
15h40-16h30: Giorgio Ennas (Franklin University Switzerland) discusses
Yiğit Topkaya, Seidener Handel. Basel und das Osmanische Reich im 19. Jahrhundert (2023).
Friday, 8 December 2023
Conference venue: UZH, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, Zürich, room KOL-G-217
The Swiss and the North
Chair : Roberto Zaugg (UZH)
10h00-10h45: Magnus Ressel (Universität Bremen)
From the Alps via Ostend into the global. The Swiss-Belgian-connection of the 1780s.
11h00-11h45: Thierry Allain (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)
Trusting strangers. Swiss merchants and Dutch ships in Marseille in the 18th century.