Maritime Switzerland. Trade, industry and capital (18th-19th centuries) / La Suisse maritime. Commerce, industrie et capitaux (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles)

Workshop (ENG/FR) at the Department of History, University of Zurich, 7–8 December 2023.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

Conference venue: UZH, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, Zürich, room KOL-G-217

10h-10h15 : bienvenue et présentation du workshop

The Swiss in the Mediterranean
Chair : Riccardo E. Rossi (UZH)

10h15-11h00: Pierre-Niccolò Sofia (Université Côte d’Azur)
Notes on ‘Swiss’ maritime trade between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the 18th century. The case of the Frisoni & Juvalta of Lisbon.

11h-11h45: Gilbert Buti (Aix-Marseille Université)
Jacques Rabaud, parfait négociant marseillais dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle.

Book presentations (with the autors)
Chair : Aderivaldo Ramos de Santana (UZH)

13h30-14h20: Raul Luis Wildbolz Gallego (Université de Genève) discusses
Alida Clemente, Un console mercante nella Napoli borbonica (1734-1755). Reti, nazioni e istituzioni nei giochi dello scambio (2022).

14h20-15h10: Marco Schnyder (Université de Fribourg) discusses
Francesca Ferrando, Fausto Fioriti and Andrea Zappia (dir.), Gli Stranieri della Repubblica. Controllo, gestione e convivenza a Genova in età moderna (2023).

15h40-16h30: Giorgio Ennas (Franklin University Switzerland) discusses
Yiğit Topkaya, Seidener Handel. Basel und das Osmanische Reich im 19. Jahrhundert (2023).

Friday, 8 December 2023

Conference venue: UZH, Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4, Zürich, room KOL-G-217

The Swiss and the North
Chair : Roberto Zaugg (UZH)

10h00-10h45: Magnus Ressel (Universität Bremen)
From the Alps via Ostend into the global. The Swiss-Belgian-connection of the 1780s.

11h00-11h45: Thierry Allain (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III)
Trusting strangers. Swiss merchants and Dutch ships in Marseille in the 18th century.

Organisé par
Laurent Burrus (UZH) and Robert Zaugg (UZH)

Lieu de l'événement

Universität Zürich
Karl-Schmid-Strasse 4


Laurent Burrus
Langues de l'évènement

Informations supplémentaires sur l'événement


Coûts de participation

CHF 0.00