The family above all? Family policies in Hungary from the late-socialist era to the Orbán regime

16. novembre 2023 - 18:15 - 19:45
Cours magistral

Vortrag von Dorottya Szikra im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Familie im östlichen Europa: zwischen Gesellschaft, Politik und Alltag, organisiert von der Schweizerischen Osteuropabibliothek SOB.

The presentation will discuss the long trajectory of the institutional and ideational development of Hungarian family policies from the state socialist era until the present-day right-wing populist Orbán-regime. It will show how the historically developed family-oriented welfare state continued into the times of EU-accession. The talk will conclude with explaining how the current government makes use of the long-existing idea and institutions related to "the Hungarian family" to pursue its traditionalist ideology and secure its increasingly authoritarian rule.

Buchcover. Copryright: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022.
Organisé par
Schweizerische Osteuropabibliothek SOB

Lieu de l'événement

Universität Bern, Hauptgebäude, Hörsaal 101 (1. OG rechts)
Hochschulstrasse 4


Langues de l'évènement

Coûts de participation

CHF 0.00