Digitalization and virtual reality save cultural monuments from destruction and oblivion

26. Juni 2019

The wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan have destroyed cultural assets of inestimable value. The ancient sites in Palmyra or the Buddha statues in Bamian have been reduced to ashes. Similarly during the Nazi period more than 1000 jewish synagogues were destroyed in Germany.

Perhaps these monuments are not lost forever: digitalization and especially virtual reality can re-create these monuments. Researchers around the world are feverishly working on models and giving the public new insights. Artists also use these data to create works and show new ways of dealing with the treasures of the past.

In an open workshop and discussion panel, experts from Switzerland, Germany and abroad will present exemplary projects and discuss the potential of these possibilities. The events are open to the public and accessible to all.


14.00 - 17:00 offener Workshop
17:00 - 18:30 Paneldiskussion
18:30 - 20:00 Apéro & Buchvernissage

Der Anlass ist gleichzeitig auch die Buchvernissage des aktuellen Bandes der Reihe Edition Digital Culture, der dem Thema Virtual Reality gewidmet ist.

Teilnehmer (Stand 14.2.2019)
• Nora al-Badri Künstlerin, Zürich & Berlin
• Patrick M.Michel Archäologe, Universität Lausanne
• Barry Threw Koordinator New Palmyra Project, San Francisco
• Marc Grellert, TU Darmstadt

Organisiert von
Migros Kulturprozent


Kulturhaus Kosmos
Lagerstrasse 104
Sprachen der Veranstaltung

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